• Mobile Diagnostic Lab (MDL)
    Mobile Diagnostic Lab (MDL)
  • Des Moines map of homes without AC
  • MDL Removable Wall Section
    MDL Removable Wall Section
  • Interlock House
    Interlock House


News and Events

NSF Funded Smart & Connected Community (SCC) project CommHEAT starting

CBER researchers were funded with a $1.2million grant to develop localized extreme heat warning system (CommHEAT) for Des Moines adaptable to other communities: https://www.news.iastate.edu/news/2023/01/17/2023heatwave

Urban-Rural System Research Coordination Network funded by the US National Science Foundation

The Mississippi River basin experiences a variety of challenges, from flooding to urban sprawl to nutrient runoff. A team of researchers will examine how these issues connect to affect the environmental conditions of cities, suburban areas and rural areas — and the people living there. The Urban-Rural Systems Research Coordination Network, housed at Iowa State University, has received a $500,000 National Science Foundation grant from the Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems program to launch a five-year study.

The team will be led by CBER Director Ulrike Passe, professor of architecture and lead of the Sustainable Cities Research Team at Iowa State. Read More here: https://www.news.iastate.edu/news/2022/08/29/urban-rural

Iowa Urban FEWS Project launched

CBER Director Passe is the project coordinator of a new NSF INFEWS grant, which started in January 2020 to members of the Sustainable Cities Team https://www.news.iastate.edu/news/2020/01/22/sustainablecitiesnsf

Sustainable Cities Project

Passe leads PIIR big data for sustainable cities decision making team. Presidential research initiative promotes big thinking in data-driven science. The third round of funding from a presidential initiative will build four research teams that will use big data to benefit human and animal health, improve cities and build new tools for researchers.

Sustainable Cities Project Website: http://www.sustainablecities.cber.iastate.edu/

PIIR news article: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/article/2016/09/08/research

Interlock House Database

NSF EPSCOR concluded summer of 2016. Please check out our interactive database which concludes and compiles our data into comprehensive graphs. http://interlockhousedata.com

History of our Solar Decathalon can be found here. http://solard.iastate.edu