Interlock House
The Interlock House has been designed for the Iowa climate, one of the most extreme climates in North America with hot and humid summers and very cold winters, with resulting design temperatures (drybulb/wetbulb) ranging from 90ºF/74ºF (32.2 ºC / 23.3 ºC) in summer to -3ºF (-19 ºC) in winter (ASHRAE 2005). Still the house aims to provide an example of how net-zero energy living is affordable and possible today. Transforming to accommodate the extremes of the Iowa seasons and interlocking with the outdoor environment, this house balances a reduction of energy consumption through design with solar power production. An advanced sensor and data acquisition system has been installed into the home to monitor energy consumption to validate the design prediction and to develop prediction models investigating the impact of human behavior on building energy consumption.
Learn more about the Interlock House
Ulrike Passe
Regional Climate Modeling Laboratory
Climate models based on fundamental conservation principles are used to simulate regional climate change and variability consistent with expected patterns of global climate change due to increases in greenhouse gasconcentrations. Current applications include studies of changes in frequency and characteristics of extreme meteorological events, changes in wind power and solar power availability, and changes in stream flow and flood potential under future scenario climates.
Learn more about the Regional Climate Modeling Laboratory
Raymond W. Arritt
William J. Gutowski, Jr.
Eugene S. Takle
Shelterbelt Research Laboratory
By use of a numerical model for simulating turbulent flow through vegetative barriers, we simulate mean and turbulent flow through trees, shrubs, crop canopies and around buildings. The flow model, coupled with a Lagrangian particle transport model, enables numerical simulation of pollen through and out of corn fields, dust and odor transport from animal confinement systems, and snow transport and deposition in the vicinity of solid and porous barriers.
Learn more about the Shelterbelt Research Laboratory
Eugene S. Takle
Structural Engineering Lab
Iowa State Unviersity’s Dept. of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering houses this 6,900 sq. ft. structural engineering research laboratory. It provides an 80 by 50 ft. main testing area, 80 by 25 ft. tie-down floor with a million pound capacity, 20-ton overhead crane, and electronic and computer equipment for controlling experiments and data logging.
Learn more about the Structural Engineering Lab
Doug Wood
Wind Simulation and Testing Laboratory (WiST)
A world-class Wind Simulation and Testing (WiST) Laboratory is being setup at Iowa State University. This laboratory that occupies a space of 12,000 sq. ft. is located in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics in Howe Hall on the ISU campus. WiST Lab will be a state-of-the-art experimental facility for conducting research, education, consulting and outreach in the subject area of wind-structure interaction. When completed it will be a one-of-a-kind facility for applications in wind engineering, aeronautics and industrial aerodynamics. It will include a wind tunnel with two test sections, aerodynamic and atmospheric boundary layer, along with features that are unique among all university-operated wind tunnels in the nation. WiST Lab will help ISU provide high-quality educational and research opportunities to young engineers to prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century.
Learn more about the Wind Simulation and Testing Laboratory (WiST)
Wind Engineering and Experimental Aerodynamics (WEEA) Program
2271 Howe Hall
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011